AARP Eye Center
When it comes to the coronavirus vaccine, Granite Staters just want to know the facts. How much does it cost, and where and when can I get the vaccine? We can help you cut through all of the confusion and just get the facts you need to decide if you want to get the vaccine.
When can I get it?
Older people and healthcare workers have been prioritized. Check the AARP state guide for specifics in New Hampshire.
Where do I go?
Find out here where to get the vaccine in New Hampshire. or call 2-1-1
What's the cost?
The vaccine is free.
Do I need insurance?
No. If you don’t have insurance, the vaccine is still available to you at no cost.
What do I need to bring?
If you have health coverage, whether it is Medicare, Medicaid, employer coverage, Tricare, or ACA coverage, bring your insurance card and a photo ID.
Stay Alert:
You can’t pay to skip to the front of the line – anyone who says otherwise is a scammer. Learn here what to look out for.
Call your healthcare provider:
If you have a provider, call them to see if they have the vaccine. Double check what identification you need to bring.
Fighting For You
AARP fought tirelessly to ensure the coronavirus vaccines are free so all individuals and families can get it regardless of age, income, race, and ethnicity.
To learn more, go to