AARP Eye Center

Eveleen from Goffstown talks about the American Health Care Act and its negative impact on older Granite Staters. Here's what she has to say:
I can’t turn on the television or radio – or open a newspaper – that doesn’t have some type of story regarding the ‘repeal of Obamacare’ and its replacement with the American Health Care Act. This is very alarming to hundreds of thousands of Americans – who may lose the healthcare benefits they currently have, or would have to pay more for what benefits they do qualify for, when they need it the most!
The bill that is being considered in Washington, DC would be more expensive, especially for those folks in the 50 – 64 age bracket. I guess it’s called an “age tax,” which would be imposed when these folks are trying to figure out how they are going to be able to retire! And we all know that it’s the over-50 Americans who begin to have health concerns as well.
Those Americans who are in the “grey hole” of their lives: older but still too young for Medicare, are hit with a double whammy - the age tax PLUS inaccessibility to Medicare, while being charged up to five times what others pay, and a reduction in their tax credits (which currently helps many pay for their insurance.)
From what I’ve read and heard, this can only mean risking the ability for seniors to live independently in their homes and communities. Medicaid cuts could impact people of all ages, risking the health and safety of over 17 million people - both children and adults with disabilities, as well as seniors.
In my previous work at a non-profit agency for seniors and the disabled, I saw first-hand how much these people rely on social services for their needs, making it evident to me that they could be impacted in such a negative way. Many were totally reliant upon Medicaid. It’s a shame that those that need it most are hit the hardest. If they didn’t have people like myself speaking up for them, they’d have no one!
If this bill gets through, big insurance companies will have free rein to charge older Americans a lot more. In fact, up to $8,400 more per year for the same coverage you have now. And worse yet, the big drug and insurance companies would stand to gain about $200 BILLION in tax breaks! This defies common sense and places the financial burden for health care on those who can least afford it.
While most of us do not believe the current health care system is perfect, this harmful legislation would impact us all with a system that is less secure and less affordable. Americans need a health care system that protects them in the insurance market, not one that stands to send them into a tailspin!