AARP Eye Center
AARP is working to ensure Granite Staters can obtain the affordable health care they need. We all know someone who has lost a job or is struggling in a job without health insurance. They might be your friends, neighbors, relatives, or even you!
Here is a chance for you to help. Ask your State Senator to accept federal funds to expand Medicaid in New Hampshire. Accepting federal funds to expand Medicaid will give families the security of knowing they can get the care they need. Plus, it will boost our economy and create jobs.
If these federal Medicaid dollars are rejected, Granite State tax dollars will go to support people in other states, while the people of New Hampshire will be left behind without access to the care they need.
Please take a moment to do your part. Call your State Senator at 1-800-929-3926 and tell them to vote for Medicaid expansion. Or send them an email.
As hard-working Granite Staters, we can't afford to send our tax dollars to other states. Thank you for taking action now!