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AARP AARP States New Hampshire Volunteering

Social Security and Women Summit on June 3

Take a Stand

Social Security needs to be updated for the 21 st century so we can keep the promise for future generations. If our nation’s leaders don’t act, future retirees could lose between $4,000 and $10,000 a year.

While Social Security is the bedrock of financial security for most Granite Staters, it is especially important for women. Nearly one-quarter rely on Social Security for nearly ALL of their family income and it keeps one-third out of poverty. What’s more, women earn less, are likely to have gaps in employment due to child rearing and caregiving, and live longer making this program all the more important to them.

That is why AARP is hosting a policy discussion on Social Security and Women. Experts from AARP, Heritage Foundation and National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare will discuss some of the challenges facing Social Security and offer balanced information about the options on the table in Washington and on the campaign trail.

Here’s what’s happening:

Social Security and Women Summit
Friday, June 3, 2016
9:30 to 10:30       Registration and Continental Breakfast
10:30 to 12:30    Program

New Hampshire Institute of Politics
100 Saint Anselm Drive; Manchester, NH 03102

Registrations are required for this free event. RSVP to


To find out more about the policy proposals on the table in Washington, visit

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