AARP Eye Center

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, love is in the air!
It’s the perfect time to make plans to do something with the person you love! At AARP NH, we have a great idea . . . try volunteering together!
We have lots of AARP New Hampshire volunteer couples who work side-by-side making a difference for Granite Staters 50-plus. They are turning their lifetime of experience into the experience of a lifetime! They are giving back, making friends, and changing lives. And you can too!
AARP New Hampshire volunteers have so many flexible opportunities to discover including advocacy, speakers bureau, community outreach, driver safely and tax-aide. You can check out all the details here.
Although we’ll leave the Valentine’s Day planning up to our volunteering couples, we did want to share what they have to say about volunteering together!

Chris & Dane
“AARP does a great job of “covering” senior issues, providing wonderful volunteer opportunities, and taking care of its members and volunteers in so many ways! It is extremely rewarding to be able to volunteer as a couple. The opportunities provide us with the social outlets that are so important to the brain health of seniors. We are so pleased to be NH AARP volunteers.”

Jim & Lorraine
Jim: “AARP does so much to advocate for we people 50-plus whether it is locally or nationally and, I find, our NH crew is so very dedicated and highly engaged in making growing old just a bit less scary. I love volunteering with Lorraine because of her sunny disposition, sense of humor and the ease with which she deals with everyone helps attract people to the AARP table and makes each volunteer mission a joyful experience. She’s just a pleasure to work with.”
Lorraine: “He’s my ride.”

Teke & Pam
Teke: "Couples that volunteer together ❤️ stay together."
Pam: "It's like a date night but less expensive and it gets us out of the house. We love doing this.”

Frances & Kevin
“We volunteer for AARP because it gives us a better sense of community.”

Marc & Mary
Marc: “After I retired I was looking for something where I could make a difference. I found that with AARP and more. I have found people of a kindred spirit and made new friends. I can't say enough of how volunteering with AARP NH has enriched my retirement.”
Mary: “Volunteering with AARP pretty much guarantees that you will have a sense of satisfaction and pride. More importantly, it’s an amazing way to connect with others and to strengthen your community. Doing this good work alongside your loved one only makes it that much better.”
Dave & Diane
“As best friends, we are excited and honored to advocate through our volunteer work with AARP for not only our future but the future of our children and grandchildren. We have met new friends and have participated in some very interesting events. We have both had opportunities to broaden our horizons.”
If you want to meet new people, work on projects that matter to your community or on issues that impact people 50-plus, we have a role for you! It doesn’t need to be a long-term commitment (although these couples have that!) and you can even volunteer from home! We provide the training and support to enhance your experience.
Check out all our volunteer gigs! ❤️