AARP Eye Center

Winter is a wonderful time for bird watching. Come out to the New Hampshire Audubon Center to learn more about which birds can be spotted and how we can play a role in helping birds survive New Hampshire’s tough winters.
Led by New Hampshire Audubon naturalists, this course will guide you through identification and observation of common winter birds in our backyards.
You'll also learn how birds survive the winter and provide tips for what you can do to help them. Binoculars will be available for loan.
Here’s what you’ll find:
Introduction to Winter Birding and Feeding
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Cost for AARP member and one guest: $15 per person
Location: NH Audubon McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Rd, Concord
Registration is required by calling 603-224-9909.
Hope to see you on January 19.