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AARP AARP States New York Volunteering

Long Islanders Host Food Drive for Local Veterans

text thank you veterans in a chalkboard of the US
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Getty Images/iStockphoto

Earlier this month, 13 AARP members and volunteers helped collect more than 1,000 pounds in food donations for Nassau County veterans service agency VetMart. Volunteers stood outside the entrance to the Carl Place Stop&Shop and encouraged patrons to pick up a few extra items for the food drive while they did their usual shopping. The outpouring of generosity and compassion from the community was incredible - Donations came in by the bagful! Some shoppers handed over more in donations than they’d bought for themselves, while others ran back into the store for a second round of shopping once they realized there was a food drive.

“Today all our volunteer teams understand what it means to come together as a community to help our neighbors in need,” said Bernard Macias, associate state director for AARP Long Island.

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