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AARP AARP States Home & Family

Financing In-home Care

Home care savings

About 9 out of 10 Americans age 50-plus want to remain in their homes as they age, according to AARP research.

To help more New Jerseyans achieve that goal, the state has removed a barrier that previously kept many elderly and disabled people from qualifying for Medicaid coverage of in-home services such as help with bathing or preparing meals.

In the past, state residents needing long-term care could spend down their savings to become eligible for Medicaid in a nursing home, but not in their own home or an assisted living facility. Now they can establish a bank account called a “Miller trust” and put some income into it each month, to be spent only on medical or other approved expenses. The trust fund is not counted when determining income eligibility for Medicaid in-home services.

AARP New Jersey lobbied for this deduction for years and is now encouraging state officials to promote it to potentially eligible residents. Click here for more information.

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