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AARP AARP States North Carolina Advocacy

Leading the Way in Creating a New Generation of Savers

small business men
North Carolina is continuing to lead the country when it comes to innovation. Yesterday Representatives Jon Hardister, Ken Goodman, Stephen Ross and Rodney Moore filed the bi-partisan Small Business Retirement Program (SBRP) in the State House.

  When passed, North Carolina will be the first state in the south to offer such a program. This program will make North Carolina even more competitive when it comes to attracting businesses and the best and brightest talent. It does so by offering prospective and current employers / employees a hassle free retirement savings program so employees can save for their future. Whereas in other states, employers will not have the easy access to a retirement program we are offering.

  This is a common sense solution which will lead to a more financially independent class of workers and the results could end in up to $448M in savings for the state by helping people become financially independent. The SBRP is a win for everyone in our state and we will be working tirelessly to see established.

Take action! You can help by asking your State Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor of House Bill 633 before Tuesday April 11.


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