AARP Eye Center

BACK TO WORK 50+ offers free workshops, coaching, and resources that can help you compete in today’s fast-changing workplace.
RALEIGH -- Over 50 and looking for a job? You’re not alone. BACK TO WORK 50+ provides the training, coaching, and job-seeking tools you need to compete with confidence for today’s in-demand jobs. And for North Carolina job-seekers, BACK TO WORK is hosting a number of upcoming online sessions as well as in-person workshops targeted to jobseekers in the Triangle and Asheville.
The sessions will help you get the skills and support you need in this competitive job market and connect with professional career coaches who can help you put your best foot forward.
AARP Foundation launched BACK TO WORK 50+ to increase the services and resources available to 50+ job candidates nationally and in communities and to facilitate their access to in-demand jobs. It works with key partners to integrate local workforce services, public benefits application assistance, and employer engagement efforts to connect 50+ job candidates to specific in-demand jobs in their communities.
For the in-person workshops BACK TO WORK 50+ is working with these area partners:
- A-B Tech Community College, Asheville, NC
- Capital Area Workforce Development Board in collaboration with NCWorks Career Center - Capital Area, Raleigh, NC
Save your seat now. Call 855-850-2525 or register online here.