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Imagínate que eres el cuidador de tu madre, quien vive en Nueva Jersey. Sin embargo, tú vives en Carolina del Norte. Cuando el estado de salud de tu madre se deteriora, te conviertes en su tutor legal en Oregón, y tomas decisiones sobre sus bienes, su atención médica y su vivienda. El proceso de convertirte en el tutor legal de tu madre no solo llevó tiempo, sino que también resultó costoso. Ahora ella desea mudarse a Carolina del Norte para estar más cerca de ti. Carolina del Norte no reconoce la orden de tutela de Oregón, así que ahora tendrás que repetir ese proceso extenso, y a menudo costoso, en Carolina del Norte.
Hola amigos! How is AARP supporting family caregivers? Watch Leo Scarpati explain how AARP resources can help caregivers find some support and assistance on HOLA NC, a Spanish Language public affairs program on Fox 50 .
New AARP and Ad Council PSAs highlight the changing roles of caregivers, offer tools and resources for support
CHARLOTTE - With people living longer and redefining traditional notions of aging and retirement, a new life stage has emerged. Today, many people in their 50s, 60s and beyond are choosing to add these years in the middle versus tacking them on later in a “wind down stage.” For many, this new life stage is strengthened by years of experience, accumulated knowledge and wisdom, and feelings of optimism for the possibilities ahead.
In the spring of 2013, AARP North Carolina began building a new, permanent base in the Queen City to help develop new initiatives that would aid people 50+ to live their lives to the fullest. Two full time staff – Michael Olender and Leo Scarpati – spent the year laying a foundation on which to build a range of new local initiatives that would be felt across all areas that are important to older North Carolinians. Here’s a peek at what we accomplished in the last 8 months:
With Multicultural outreach serving as a vital component of AARP efforts to deliver its programs and services, AARP North Carolina is recognizing the organizations best serving the needs of minority populations in the state.
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