AARP Eye Center
It’s National Volunteer Week! During this week AARP in Ohio pauses to recognize the amazing things our volunteers throughout the state do for those 50+. From visiting elected officials to helping people protect themselves from fraud to bringing caregivers together for information and support, our volunteers make a positive impact in and for their communities every day.
Did you know that the value of each hour a volunteer works is estimated to be $24.14? T

hat’s an impressive dollar amount but it in no way captures the passion and commitment, the compassion and enthusiasm or the energy and determination that AARP Ohio volunteers contribute to their communities. Quite simply, they are priceless.
That’s why it is important to recognize and show our appreciation for them as often as possible. National Volunteer Week is one way at one specific time of year to do so. But it’s not enough.
Throughout the year AARP staff reach out to volunteers in small and large ways that may go unnoticed by some but make a difference in that volunteer’s day. Gestures such as a gift card, an invitation to a special event or even a personal note let a volunteer know that we value the contribution they make to improve the lives of 50+ Ohioans.
In the words of AARP founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, “The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live.” So, again, to AARP volunteers across Ohio: thank you for volunteering your time and talents as an essential ingredient to creating positive social change.
And as much as volunteering is invaluable to organizations and individuals receiving the service, the feeling that volunteering can give you can be just as rewarding. What can volunteering do for you? Let some of our own volunteers tell you in their own words:
Volunteering fulfills a desire, commitment and passion to help, and to share. It allows me to touch the lives of others in ways that brings hope and happiness. When I can make someone else’s life just a little better because I have volunteered my time and skills, then I have done what the Lord has asked, I have given back. - Semanthie B. Brooks, AARP Ohio volunteer
Joyce Madison says, "When I think about the real reason why I volunteer. I have to say that I was raised by a Mother and Father who enjoyed helping others. My Mom & Dad were always giving up their time to help someone in need.
Therefore, volunteering is something I do because I was taught it was better to give than to receive. I enjoy giving my time and service as often as I can to make a difference. It's a great feeling."
"To engage in a broad community of individuals trying to make a difference in our daily lives," is why Courtney Helgeson volunteers.
And longtime AARP Ohio volunteer G.G. Glenn says, "Being an Ohio AARP legislative advocate is important to me, plus helps me stay up to date with legislation...meeting with Legislators throughout the years is beneficial to both them and ourselves."
If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities with AARP in Ohio, please let us know by completing a volunteer interest form or by emailing us. We have many opportunities available, from volunteering at a local community event, to advocating and meeting with legislators on important issues, to doing educational speaking engagements, and so much more. Get to know us! We can't wait to meet you!