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AARP Oklahoma

All the news that matters for 50+ Oklahomans
During extremely cold weather or winter storms, staying warm and safe can be a challenge. Winter storms can bring severely cold temperatures, power failures, loss of communication services and icy roads. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, prepare your home and your car before a winter storm hits.
Nominations are open for the 16th annual AARP Oklahoma Native American Elder Honors, which celebrates 50 Native American elders who have positively impacted our country, state, communities and Indian Country.
Join us at Guthrie Green in Tulsa for 18 sound bath and guided meditation events to nurture your mind and body throughout the year.
The Senior Planet program provides digital literacy training to older adults and empowers people to embrace opportunities to reshape their lives.
The yearly initiative strives to enhance the livability of Oklahoma communities for individuals of all ages.
Join us for an informational and inspirational session on video content marketing and how it can benefit your business. This workshop will benefit any entrepreneur or business owner, especially 50+, looking to start or expand your business.  
Learn essential networking and interviewing skills at our free, two-part webinar.
AARP Oklahoma is calling on members of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to reject OG&E’s requested $77.6 million per year electric rate increase which would raise the average residential customer’s bill by more than $90 per year. Among other components of the rate increase, the utility company is requesting a 70 percent increase in the monthly fixed charge paid by customers, which is the fee customers pay before they even turn on their lights.
Learn about ways to avoid illegal robocalls and phone scams in this free, two-part webinar.
Avoid identity theft by shredding documents at free events this month.
Join AARP Oklahoma for a special screening of "A Star Is Born" starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper at Guthrie Green on Thursday, May 16.
We know more than 524,000 Oklahomans take care of their loved ones at home, with little help and no pay. At AARP, we are committed to doing what we can to help caregivers do their jobs better and take care of themselves in the process. Please join AARP Oklahoma for a free, interactive telephone town on May 13, 2019 at 10am.
Attend AARP’s free, two-part webinar to find out how.
AARP Oklahoma is hosting free events to help residents get rid of sensitive documents without the fear of identity theft.
Find out what you can already be doing to prepare at our free, two-part webinar.
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About AARP Oklahoma
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.