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Newly elected Oregon Attorney General Dan Rayfield talked with the Bulletin about ways to prevent fraud — and what drives him to protect older Oregonians.
Powering my way through octogenarianism, I eschew mere sitting on my tuchus as the decade tick away. But suddenly I have an AH HAH! Moment: Why no go back to school – post-secondary, of course – at the neighboring university?
Women are three times as likely as men to say they can’t afford to save for retirement and in general have lower rates of financial literacy. Women also make up the majority of caregivers, and are three times more likely than men to quit their jobs to care for a family member.
The Oregon legislature convenes for a short 5-week session February 3. We are working hard to help pass a bill to create an Age Discrimination Task Force.
Piled Higher and Deeper is an acrimonious, snide, “inside baseball” sarcasm directed to the high scholarship and intellectual accomplishment made manifest in the Ph.D. degree that compels the honorific “Dr” to be spoken or written preceding the name.