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Have you or a loved one recently been laid off or are looking for work? Are you thinking about changing careers? Whether you are seeking meaning in your career, or just a new job, or simply want to explore your real possibilities, don't miss the Career Transformations Conference in Medford on Saturday, March 15 th.
Over the past year, we here at the AARP Oregon state office have been contacted several times by AARP members and our own family and friends living in other parts so the country with requests for information about relocating to Oregon. When they hear about people coming to Oregon, native Oregonians often jest and quote a sign that Governor Tom McCall supposedly ordered to be put up at all major state borders, “Welcome to Oregon, enjoy your visit.” But it seems the word has gotten out! Oregon is beautiful and a wonderful to place to live. And based on the requests we have received people from a variety of places seem to be considering moving here.
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