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This is the first in a new series of blogs by the Oregon State Volunteer President
By Debbie Cahill, AARP Oregon Volunteer
Between the ages of 16 and 21, he successfully posed as an airline pilot, an attorney, a doctor and cashed millions in fraudulent checks. In case you didn’t read the best-selling book… spoiler alert…he got caught and his exploits were depicted in the movie Catch Me If You Can starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
By Dick Weinman, AARP Volunteer and Assisted Living Guru
By Dick Weinman, AARP Volunteer and Assisted Living Guru
What's AARP doing in your community? We are celebrating PRIDE, doing Tek workshops, doing "Neighborwalks," fighting fraud and supporting family caregivers! We have dozens of events scheduled in the next few months. Check out the event listing attached here - and register for the ones that may be of interest. We look forward to connecting with you!
By Debbie Cahill, AARP Oregon Volunteer
By Michele Scheib, Our Gen-X AARP Oregon volunteer
The Young at Any Age Team: Sam Jones, Joyce DeMonnin, Steve Carter, Debbie Cahill and Carlos Romo
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