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AARP AARP States Pennsylvania Community

Pennsylvania COVID-19 News and Information

Below are the latest articles, information, and resources collected or provided by AARP Pennsylvania. For questions or concerns, contact the office at

Latest COVID-19 News and Information
Resources for updates, home health visits, food banks, grocery access and meal delivery.
We may be isolated, but we don’t have to be alone. AARP Community Connections is a new website that offers steps to find help – or give it – during the coronavirus pandemic. At a time when people are self-isolating, the website connects you to support in your community. It also enables you to join or organize your own online mutual aid group to stay connected, share ideas and help your family, neighbors and those most affected by COVID-19.
Pennsylvania residents can schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments at retail pharmacies, doctor’s offices and other locations. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
Older adults are frustrated and angry with Pennsylvania’s distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to date, according to a survey of AARP members statewide.
On Social Security’s 85th Anniversary, Survey Finds Nearly All Americans View Social Security as an Important Program
Meet Lana, Emily and Antje: Lehigh Valley Local Heroes
In response to the Wolf Administration’s plans to increase testing and public reporting of COVID-19 cases in the state’s long-term care facilities, AARP Pennsylvania State Director Bill Johnston-Walsh issued the following statement:
While AARP Pennsylvania appreciates the actions that our state’s elected and healthcare leaders have taken to address the coronavirus crisis, considering Pennsylvania has one of the oldest populations in the United States and is home to nearly 126,000 people residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, more must be done to protect Pennsylvania’s nursing facility residents.
Social Distancing Shouldn’t Lead to Social Isolation
If you have a spouse, sibling, parent, or other loved one in a nursing home in Pennsylvania, you may be worried about their safety and well-being because of the coronavirus pandemic. AARP has consulted with leading nursing home experts to provide you with some key questions to ask the nursing home:
During these unprecedented times when we are discovering our “new normal” in the era of COVID-19, AARP Pennsylvania has received many questions from members and non-members about the coronavirus, and how to protect themselves and their loved ones. To help our 1.8 million members in Pennsylvania, and the entire Pennsylvania community who is concerned about the coronavirus, Bill Johnston-Walsh answered questions and provide links for additional resources and information.
While confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to spread across Pennsylvania, the coronavirus pandemic is also having an overwhelming impact on the state’s workforce. Overall, job losses from the coronavirus crisis are affecting workers of all ages, but workers in some occupations are being hit especially hard. One example: older workers in lower-wage service and sales jobs.
AARP will host a live Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall every Thursday at 12 p.m. (CST). Experts at this week’s live Q&A event will address your questions related to protecting yourself and loved ones from the virus, staying healthy and reducing social isolation.
Criminals target anxious consumers, including new stimulus check scams
We’re writing with an important message to let you know that we have canceled our external events until further notice. While convening events is a core part of our mission, we have changed our approach in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

About AARP Pennsylvania
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