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Advocacy Update: Please Join Us for Massachusetts Elder Lobby Day

Mass Elder Lobby Day_032414
AARP Massachusetts is joining more than a dozen other organizations as sponsors of Massachusetts Elder Lobby Day on March 24. This event is f orelders and the workers who care for them, and you’re invited!





The program features a variety of sponsors/speakers who will give brief remarks during the first hour. Following is a partial list:

  • Mass Home Care, The Caring Force
  • Home Care Aide Council, AARP Massachusetts
  • AARP Massachusetts
  • Mass Senior Action Council,  Mass Councils On Aging
  • Mass Human Services Provider’s Council
  • Mass Association of Older Americans
  • LGBT Aging Project, Home Care Alliance
  • Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston


Other speakers include Sen. Pat Jehlen, Rep. James O’Day, AARP Massachusetts State Director Mike Festa, and David Stephens of Massachusetts Councils on Aging.

At approximately 12:15 p.m., following the speaking presentation, we will visit lawmakers to speak with them about our 2014 legislative priorities and the state budget.

We need your help to make these visits a success! If you are interested in attending the presentation and/or visiting your legislator, please RSVP (below) and join us for the day!

WHEN: Monday, March 24, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

WHERE: Massachusetts State House,  Grand Staircase, Second Floor

Please plan to arrive at the Grand Staircase by 10:45 a.m.

Please RSVP by Thursday, March 13 by calling 617-305-0510 or emailing Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address in your message, and indicate if you plan visit your state legislator in addition to attending the program.

Thank you for your continued support of AARP Massachusetts’ legislative priorities.


Leslie Siphers

Advocacy Specialist
AARP Massachusetts


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