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AARP AARP States Caregiving

Please share your caregiving story with AARP Arkansas

Every day, a silent army of 478,000 Arkansans performs a true labor of love: caring for aging parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends... so they can remain in their homes. These family caregivers wouldn’t have it any other way... but are on duty 24/7, usually without pay, and often can’t even take a break.

To help raise awareness about all that caregivers do, AARP Arkansas recently hosted a screening of the award-winning film Still Alice, highlights from which are featured in the video below. We would love to hear from you—if you are or were at some point a family caregiver. Please share your story by contacting Tori Williams at (501) 217-1624 or Thank you!


About AARP States
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