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Join AARP for a free workshop, Job Search in the Digital Age. Learn about the newest and best websites and apps for your job search to set you up for success. Using job search enginesresume tips (including age-proofing)keywords for online resumesusing LinkedIn to network
A growing demand for new skilled workers to meet the needs of a resurgent manufacturing industry –estimated at 25,000 to 35,000 positions for the state’s 4,100 manufacturing companies in the next two decades – is outpacing the supply, which has created an increasing need for instructors.
By Jill Gambon
AARP Mississippi and the Mississippi Public Service Commission will host a Broadband Tech Night Workshop at the Collins Civic Center, located on 3220 U.S. 49 in Collins at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2019. The workshop will feature AARP Mississippi representatives and Sam Britton, Southern District Public Service Commissioner.
The Microsoft TechSpark program will support AARP Wyoming’s Senior High Tech program through a $5,000 donation to foster the program’s expansion in Wyoming.
Would you like to preserve a veteran's story in the Library of Congress?
Broadband internet access is an important part of modern life, whether it’s to stay in touch with loved ones or to look for a job. Yet 6 out of 10 rural Mississippians do not have broadband access.
By Tim Poor
Join AARP and the Thrive Center from 9:00-3:00 on May 10th for tips on how to get the most out of your mobile devices. All sessions will include a brief overview of the safety and security of using these devices. We will cover:
Students from the Star Valley High School Student Council will take part in AARP Wyoming’s Senior High Tech project at the Thayne Senior Center from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on May 9. The Senior High Tech program pairs student service organizations with adults interested in learning more about their cellular phones and mobile devices through one-on-one tutoring with students.
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