AARP Eye Center

The ServiceLink Resource Center Network and AARP New Hampshire are hosting an educational luncheon event for the House Finance Committee; House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee; and House Commerce Committee. The luncheon will be held Tuesday, March 26, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm at the Barley House on Main Street, with an overview of the work of the ServiceLink Resource Center Network and the value they bring to New Hampshire residents.
ServiceLink is a vital service for the long-term care needs of Granite Staters, getting people connected to the help they need. ServiceLink Resource Centers are located in every county and help people from all walks of life navigate the often confusing, inter-workings of health care and social service programs available to help them and their loved ones meet the challenges of aging or disability issues. With caregiver support specialists in each county, caregiver support funds help family caregivers in their communities.
ServiceLink helps with a wide range of needs.
Caregiver assistance: outlining options for services that are available locally to help keep an elderly parent at home.
Homemaker assistance: connecting people to community services like homemaking, in-home care, respite services, or adult day programs.
Health and safety assistance: finding disability-related transportation services.
Medicaid information and assistance.
Long-term support counseling, assessments for Medicaid long-term care programs and Medicaid applications.
Did you know our ServiceLink Resource Centers help thousands of people?
- ServiceLink responds to approximately 85,000 inquiries each year.
- Approximately 95% of those who call are connected with the help they need.
- ServiceLink provides more than 300 free public educational sessions annually.
- The network counsels approximately 20,000 people yearly regarding Medicare services.
- Volunteers contribute nearly 15,000 hours of time to ServiceLink every year.
The value of ServiceLink to New Hampshire is clear. ServiceLink saves state, county and local governments thousands of dollars a year by helping families connect elderly residents with services, enabling them to stay safely in their homes and communities. It only costs $7.60 in state funding for ServiceLink to serve one person looking for help or information about available services to assist a loved one.
Find a ServiceLink in your county today.
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