AARP Eye Center

AARP Missouri Speak Out! volunteers are ready to share information with their communities! Below are topics that are available to both internal AARP groups and community organizations, social groups, businesses, and educational entities. And these speakers are FREE!
AARP speakers are available to groups of 20 or more and presentations are no more than 30 minutes in length, including Q&A. Typically, booklets, brochures, and other handouts are collateral to the presentations. Please allow four weeks advance notice should you wish to secure a speaker.
Here are the offered topics:
I Heart Caregivers: Across Missouri, family caregivers give their hearts every day, helping their parents, spouses and other loved ones stay at home. This session focuses on who the caregiver is and the help these valiant individuals need. AARP is encouraging individuals in any caregiver situation to share their stories and everyone to help urge Missouri lawmakers enact the Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act. This presentation celebrates caregivers and recognizes the support they need.
Your Future and Financial Resilience: Financial security is critical to a comfortable quality of life, yet many people feel overwhelmed and do not know where to start when it comes to planning. This presentation helps individuals get a handle on how to plan retirement and how “Work and Save” can fortify their financial resilience.
AARP Fraud Watch Network: Fraud is a major concern among Missourians as identity theft and other scams run rampant. This session will explore fraud trends and behavior, the con artist’s playbook, fraud prevention strategies, and numerous resources – including joining the AARP Fraud Watch Network. By encouraging presentation participants to join the network, AARP can also capture contact information that will provide even more free resources and tools.
Home Fit: What if all homes could be suitable for anyone, regardless of a person’s age or physical ability? What is a person wants to live independently, regardless of his or her age or physical ability could do just that? The presentation offers smart solutions for making your home (or a loved one’s home) comfortable, safe and a great fit. The presentation includes a free guidebook, home assessment checklist, and brochure.
Staying Sharp (Brain Health)
According to a recent AARP survey, 93% of Americans 35 years of age and older say that brain health is a top priority. This presentation gives a holistic approach for a healthy, active mind at any age so you can engage in all the moments that matter today and in the future. You’ll get tips and suggestions, and participate in fun interactive exercises to test the agility of your brain.