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Explore art, science, history, the zoo from your home

With the world’s current situation, we are all being advised to stay home and practice social distancing. This means we should avoid crowded places. While you may have the necessities, how will you keep yourself entertained? Binge-watching online media like movies and shows could be your solution but it isn’t the only thing you can do. Staying at home does not have to feel like complete isolation. If you need some suggestions, we at AARP Texas are here to help.

You can explore other cultures and countries by virtually visiting museums from around the world and check out online galleries right from your couch. The best part is that these online journeys are free. Here is a list of some places in Texas you can visit with the click of the keyboard.


· Houston Museum of Natural Science

· The Holocaust Museum Houston

· Houston Museum of Fine Arts

· Houston Zoo Live Cameras

· Houston Zoo Gallery

San Antonio

· The Alamo virtual tour

Washington, TX

· Star of the Republic Museum


· Dallas Museum of Art

· Frontiers of Flight Museum

· Nasher Sculpture Center

· Crow Museum of Art of the University of Texas at Dallas


· Bullock Museum

· The Contemporary Austin

· UMLAUF Sculpture Garden and Museum

· Austin Zoo Gallery


· Museum of South Texas History

If this is not enough, check out these famous museums from around the world:

· Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam

· National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

· Guggenheim Museum in New York

We're not out of touch with technology
A senior couple using a digital tablet together

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