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New Podcast Episode: An Exploration of Mexico’s Holiday Celebrations

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The Christmas traditions of Mexican culture—gathering for a tamalada, holding Las Posadas or celebrating La Virgen de Guadalupe—can be found widely across Texas.

AARP Texas’ Spanish-language podcast, ¿SabesQué? con AARP, will explore the origins of these customs and their intersection with American culture in a discussion with Ellen Riojas Clark, professor emerita in the Bicultural-Bilingual Studies Department at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

“Most of the traditions come from a religious background,” says Rosalinda Martinez, community strategy director for AARP Texas. “But many are continuing to evolve into more social celebrations.”

James Olstein

The podcast’s release date, Monday, Dec. 12, was set to coincide with El Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, a key date in Mexican Catholicism.

Other celebrations to be discussed are Three Kings Day (Jan.6), staying up on Dec. 24 to open gifts at the strike of midnight, and Las Posadas, nightly gatherings at different homes, commemorating Joseph and Mary’s search for a safe place where she could give birth to the baby Jesus.

Listen to the podcast at or view the video at

George Bridges

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