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Understanding Utility Company Rates of Equity

electric grid

In recent months utility rates have been in the news and on this site, and the term "rate of equity" has been used often. To learn more about the issue, AARP Alabama turned to Alabama native Steve Hill.

Hill is a Certified Rate of Return Analyst doing business as Hill Associates in West Virginia. He has testified in more than 275 regulatory proceedings over the past 30 years on cost of capital, financial, economic, and corporate governance issues related to regulated industries. He has provided testimony in electric, gas, telephone, and water utility rate proceedings as well as in proceedings related to utility diversification, deregulation, and management financial policy. He is also an Auburn University engineering graduate

AARP has presented this information to the Alabama Public Service Commission, and Hill will continue working with AARP Alabama in the coming months as we ask the PSC to review whether Alabamians are paying too much for public utilities. To learn more about rates of equity, click below.

WHAT IS ROE? - Steve Hill


(Photo courtesy Flickr, Some rights reserved by stephpar)

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