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AARP Virgin Islands

Dedicated to enhancing the lives of those over 50
OCT 28, 2024
Our series of virtual financial education classes, presented by AARP Virgin Islands in collaboration with the Government Employees' Retirement System (GERS) of the Virgin Islands, shares tips on saving, financial planning and managing and protecting your assets, as well as estate-planning strategies.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
OCT 22, 2024
Get ready to dance your way to fitness with Zumba Gold classes at Alicea Field of Dreams (Hess Road). These classes are a lower-intensity version of the Zumba exercise class that's designed for older adults, beginners, and people with physical limitations.
OCT 18, 2024
Each Tuesday at 8:30 am, escape to a 45-minute fitness paradise that combines the best of both worlds: strengthening and stretching. Led by fitness instructor, William Roberts, this class offers a unique approach to fitness: fusing classic techniques designed to firm up both your upper and lower body, blending of weights (or no weights) and body resistance. This dynamic class promises to rejuvenate you physically and mentally. No special equipment or training is required.
Tracy Sanders, RN, MN, CNS
Tracy Sanders, RN, MN, CNS
What started out in the Virgin Islands as a handful of AARP members interested in getting some sexy exercise has grown to over a couple dozen men and women who anxiously anticipate their Zumba Gold classes.
English Muchos de nosotros sabemos que el cuidado es una tarea difícil que puede ser físicamente tediosa, emocionalmente agotadora, e increíblemente exasperante. Los que saben estarían de acuerdo en que puede ser una de las cosas más difíciles que uno puede hacer durante su vida.
English Después de casi un año de la interacción con el senador de primera vez Kurt Vialet, el proyecto de ley de las Islas Vírgenes CARE, Aconsejar, Señalar y Posibilitar a los Cuidadores, fue aprobada por unanimidad por la Comisión Plenaria y se dirigió al gobernador para su firma a ley.
English El gobernador Kenneth E. Mapp se reunió con la Cámara de Comercio de Santa Cruz el jueves 11 de febrero para proveer las últimas noticias a los propietarios de negocios y personas interesadas sobre su visión, sobre logros en Santa Cruz, y para realzar algunos proyectos propuestos en Christiansted y Frederiksted. Se trataron los siguientes temas:
When I was younger I thought of the telephone as a piece of equipment solely used to talk with others. Gone are those days!
En Español After almost a year of interaction with first-time Senator Kurt Vialet, the Virgin Islands Caregiver Advice, Record and Enabling Act also known as the CARE Act unanimously passed the Committee of the Whole and went to the Governor for signature into law.
En Español Governor Kenneth E. Mapp met with the St. Croix Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, February 11 th to update business owners and interested individuals on his vision for St. Croix and to highlight some proposed projects or Christiansted and Frederiksted. The following topics were discussed:
In a tourist area like the Virgin Islands, where millions of people visit annually, Virgin Islanders are always at high risk for acquiring the latest version of influenza going around. And, influenza is known to be a rapid killer of those who are elderly, very young or immunosuppressed.
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