AARP Eye Center

Lorraine Bratton of Roanoke is a veteran AARP volunteer. She has been active with the Take A Stand campaign, attending candidate events and representing Take A Stand at community activities. This is her report from a recent campaign event she attended.
I attended the Donald Trump Rally at the Roanoke Civic Center. It was 97 degrees. I waited one hour to get into the Center and five hours for Mr. Trump to speak. I cannot stand that long; the old legs aren't what they use to be, so I got a seat in the front row just outside of the staged supporters behind Mr. Trump. I had an excellent view.
Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-6 th), Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-9 th), former Roanoke Sheriff Octavia Johnson and State Delegate Chris Head (R-17th) spoke before Mr. Trump. There were three young Take A Stand supporters adjacent to the fence surrounding the stage. During Mr. Trump’s appearance, their views were blocked by security personnel. All of us had on our Take A Stand shirts. Mr. Trump did not mention his plan for the future of Social Security during his remarks.
The crowd was very receptive to our Take A Stand shirts and asked where they could get some. They listened to our viewpoints. No one spoke against AARP or Take A Stand. As we left the Civic Center, we were again approached about the Take A Stand shirts and asked their meaning. They also inquired about where they could get Take A Stand shirts.
To learn more about Take A Stand and what the candidates have said about Social Security, visit the Take A Stand website.