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Friendly Voice Virtual Call Center Volunteer Position

Position Function
Virtual Call Center volunteers will be available to make outbound calls to specific individuals who have shared their contact information with AARP and asked to be contacted for a friendly chat. Volunteers will also be available and equipped (as their schedule and the technology allows) to take inbound calls from people who want a friendly chat. This role might be called a Friendly Caller or Friendly Voice.

Must have:

  • Access to a computer with an internet connection
  • A phone that can make and receive calls (unfortunately, reimbursement for long-distance calls or phone service is not available at this time)
  • Basic ability with technology


  • Place calls to people who have requested a call to check in with them or offer a friendly voice
  • Make time available to receive inbound calls through an online virtual call center (as possible)
  • Work closely with the Office of Volunteer Engagement to assist individuals and log information in the virtual call center system
  • Use the technical platform for the virtual call center system and will appropriately document calls made
  • Join monthly calls with Office of Volunteer Engagement and other AARP departments


  • Ability to listen and offer reassurance to individuals who are feeling isolated or in need of a friendly voice.
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Commitment to the goals, policies and priorities of AARP
  • Possession of some computer skills
  • Ability to use web-based video chat technology

Training Offered

  • Orientation to AARP and Virtual Call Center Position
  • Specific Platform training for making calls
  • Content and structure of call training
  • Other skills training and issue briefings as directed by AARP and in response to volunteer needs

Appointed by
Office of Volunteer Engagement

It is the policy of the Association that all AARP volunteers will receive equal opportunities and treatment throughout recruitment, appointment, training and service. There will be no discrimination based on age, disabilities, gender, race, national or ethnic region, religion, economic status or sexual orientation.

About AARP States
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