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AARP Georgia, UM Women team up to shred, recycle, stock soup kitchen

March 2 shred_recycle cold

Saturday morning, March 2, dawned bitterly cold.

But that stopped neither the North Georgia Conference of United Methodist Women, who gathered at Trinity United Methodist Church in downtown Atlanta, nor the AARP Georgia volunteers who showed up by 7:30 a.m. to collect old personal papers for shredding and obsolete electronics for recycling.

AARP provided paper shredding and electronic recycling for free with a food donation to Trinity UMC's Soup Kitchen.  The conference was attended by 225, and attendees brought approximately:

  • 900 pounds of paper for shredding, a service AARP Georgia provides as a safeguard against identity theft.
  • 600 lbs of electronics were brought for recycling.
  • 600 pounds of non-perishable food and paper goods for the Soup Kitchen.

Chilly day. Warm hearts. Impressive results. Thank you, United Methodist Women of North Georgia and AARP volunteers!

Photo: AARP volunteers greet conference attendees as they pull into Trinity UMC Saturday morning. Volunteers gathered paper for shredding, electronics for recycling, and items for the church's Soup Kitchen. Photo courtesy of AARP volunteer Gary Cecil.

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