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AARP Washington DC

Visit the AARP DC website for local updates 24/7
Give Back to Your Community With AARP!
Throughout 2024, AARP DC continued to advocate for policies to empower District residents to improve their lives and choose where and how they live as they age. AARP DC has a long history of supporting older District residents who want to live independently as they age. This year, AARP DC fought for issues that matter most to seniors, their families and caregivers.
Living Unequally: Disrupting Health Disparities in the District
Our Two-Part Online Q&A Session Can Help You Stay Up-to-Date
Do you paint or draw? Perhaps you make pottery, jewelry or sculpt. Or do you enjoy digital photography or poetry?
Chances are, you’ve acquired good communication skills over the years. Why not share them with children?
Our Special Online Sessions Can Help You Balance Them
You are cordially invited to the 2018 Ward 1 and Council Chair Forum!
Join our series of online Q&A sessions to learn how to avoid them.
AARP DC cordially invites you to come to an upcoming neighborhood chat for coffee and casual conversation about what’s happening with the growing 50+ population in DC. We are making a stop in every ward, so please come by!
Do you have a flair for painting, poetry or some other form of creative expression? Here’s a chance to be recognized for your work.
Our online Q&A sessions can help you keep your loved one secure.
Search AARP Washington DC
Connecting you to what matters most, like neighbors do. Find events, volunteer opportunities and more near you.
About AARP Washington DC
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.