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AARP Washington DC

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More than 48 million Americans, including 74,000 here in the District, are family caregivers. It is one of the most important jobs we will ever do, and one of the most difficult. Family caregivers help their older parents, spouses and other loved ones live independently – managing medications, preparing meals, helping with bathing and dressing and so much more.
Throughout 2024, AARP DC continued to advocate for policies to empower District residents to improve their lives and choose where and how they live as they age. AARP DC has a long history of supporting older District residents who want to live independently as they age. This year, AARP DC fought for issues that matter most to seniors, their families and caregivers.
Living Unequally: Disrupting Health Disparities in the District
AARP District of Columbia is calling on everyone to advocate for age-friendly programs in the District including Safe at Home, nutrition services, and funding for affordable housing and transportation.
AARP DC Volunteer State President Rev. Dr. Kendrick E. Curry reflects on the achievements made by outstanding volunteers and staff in the District of Columbia and why he is proud to be a part of AARP.
Need a speaker? AARP Speakers Bureau offers presentations on topics like family caregiving, fraud prevention, the 2020 U.S. census and job searching in the digital age.
AARP DC is pleased to announce that Wendellene Dupree has been selected as the recipient of the 2019 Andrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious volunteer award.
AARP DC Executive Council Lily Liu recently attended an AARP DC sponsored- conference on “Chinese American Women in History,” and got a sneak peek at the new Chinese American Museum in D.C.
Having safe options for walking or taking transit to healthy food is an important way to maintain independence, health and community connections – at any age.
We congratulate the World Series Champion Washington Nationals who've proven that age is NO barrier to champions!
Want to save money on your water bill? You may be eligible for discounts offered by DC Water and the district government.
Are you, or do you know, a Millennial caring for a loved one? If so, please invite him or her to register for this free event on November 20 at Busboys and Poets - Anacostia.
AARP members and their guests may purchase tickets online at a discount of up to 20% to select Washington Wizards basketball games where the Wizdom Dance Team will perform!
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About AARP Washington DC
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.