Paper documents are a common source of identity theft. Protect yourself by shredding sensitive documents at our free shredding events. We'll also accept old TVs, CPUs, monitors, laptops and cellphones for safe disposal. A small recycle fee may apply to some electronic items such as printers and VCRs.
It is no secret that we face a housing supply and affordability challenge in Washington. It is an oft-repeated story in the news, and we know that Washington residents want more choices in size and price.
Tom Oliver of Bellingham is literally saving lives in his community. Oliver serves as the lead “Project Lifesaver” volunteer for Dementia Support Northwest. Project Lifesaver provides ankle tracking devices for those with dementia, enabling them to be quickly found if they wander away from home by search and rescue teams.The program works with the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Department to bring peace of mind to family caregivers of dementia patients.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Seattle’s age-friendly initiative helped Emerald City residents remain connected by hosting more than 50 virtual events. Collectively, they were viewed more than 12,000 times.
The pandemic has taken an extremely heavy toll on residents of nursing homes and other long term care facilities. This period of prolonged isolation has caused declines in physical, cognitive, and emotional health. There is an antidote!
AARP is returning to the ballpark. On Wednesday, August 30th, join us for “AARP’s Caregiver Day at the Mariners” as we take on the Oakland "A's" at a mid-afternoon game. We will, once again, work with the Mariners to provide a special package that includes a game ticket and lunch.