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Want to work for the Seahawks? AARP, the Seattle Seahawks and CenturyLink Field are teaming up on a mission to fill hundreds of event and game-day jobs at Seahawks and Sounders FC games, major concerts and other events at CenturyLink Field and the WaMu Theater.
By Janet Lam-Rogers, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Volunteer
The economy may be rebounding, but try telling that to the scores of Washingtonians who are still struggling to make ends meet. Whether it’s stagnant wages, increasing debt, or high consumer and housing costs, many people are finding it hard to get by day-to-day, much less think about their financial futures.
What is the Washington Small Business Retirement Marketplace?
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is looking to expand its team of volunteers for the upcoming tax season by recruiting interested individuals. Tax-Aide is an AARP Foundation program that offers free tax filing help for those who need it most, especially adults 50 and older, during the tax season.
Join experts from AARP, FINRA and financial regulatory agencies for a free investor education seminar.
By Debby Abe, Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
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