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AARP AARP States Advocacy

Will JCP&L customers' 3 year saga soon come to an end?

It’s been a

Ideas in the business world
Carlos E. Santa Maria

long road to get where we are now.

Over the past 3 years+, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has been provided with substantial evidence from the Division of Rate Counsel that JCP&L has been earning more than it is legally allowed, all on the backs of its customers. Thousands of AARP members have spoken out via phone, mail, electronic mail, and social media, pleading for the BPU to act. And a NJ administrative law judge has even ruled that, yes, the company has indeed overcharged its customers. And now, after a long series of one delay after another, it appears that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with the BPU anticipated to finally make its ruling on the JCP&L rate case at its March 18 th Board Meeting in Trenton.

Will this finally be day that the BPU orders JCP&L to do right by the customers that the company has been overcharging for years? Or will March 18 th simply be yet another mile marker in this endless saga of waiting and overpaying.

We can only hope.

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