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Join AARP Wyoming’s Fraudettes For Zoom Series


AARP Wyoming’s Fraudettes will host an online series featuring fund and interactive fraud-fighting video podcasts starting March 20 from 4:30-5 p.m.

To take part in the series, simply click below to register for any of the upcoming webinars. AARP membership is not required. You will receive an email with the Zoom link before class. The podcasts will also be livestreamed on AARP Wyoming’s Facebook page, found at

Headed up by Tracy Swaim, AARP Wyoming’s 2024 Fraud Fighter of The Year, you’ll hear about the latest scams, get insights from engaging guests like local law enforcement, FBI representatives or consumer protection advocates, and test your knowledge with lively fraud trivia. Bring your questions for the live Q&A and leave feeling more confident in protecting yourself and your loved ones.

About The Fraudettes
Tracy Swaim is a Certified Fraud Examiner with a background in the legal field and as a fraud investigations and prevention leader in the financial services industry. Passionate about consumer education and victim advocacy, Swaim writes and speaks on social engineering, data privacy, scams and fraud prevention, and trends in bank fraud. Last year Swaim started making scam prevention presentations on behalf of AARP Wyoming, a few highlights include her work at the Promoting Our Women Warriors veterans event in Casper, as well as her presentations on AI.

BJ Jibben leads AARP Wyoming’s Cheyenne Community Action Team (CAT), a group of around 20, who meet monthly to develop and hold AARP Community events. Those events can be community service-related or just for fun or socialization. In the last year, the Cheyenne Community Action Team has volunteered to execute Veterans Resource Fairs, paper shredding events, held online cooking writing and art classes and offered free movie events for adults over the age of 50. To contact Jibben about Cheyenne CAT meetings, write to BJ at

Nancy Fraley leads the AARP WY book club and is one of AARP Wyoming’s Cheyenne Community Action Team members and a consummate volunteer, showing up for everything from AARP Wyoming’s Care for Caregiving to mall walking, and fraud prevention work.

AARP’s FraudWatch Network
While AARP’s FraudWatch Network was founded in the mid 2010’s, AARP’s work in this space goes back much, much further. In 1966, AARP Founder Ethel Percy Andrus invited the former chair of the Federal Trade Commission to write a series of articles for AARP’s magazine about trends in consumer deception. In 1973, AARP launched a Crime and Safety Program to help older Americans avoid becoming victims of burglary, assault and consumer fraud.

AARP’s Fraudwatch Network was established in 2013 and offers a Fraud Resource Center with more than 60 tip sheets providing do’s and don’ts on common scams. AARP also shares Watchdog Alerts delivered to your email or cell phone on the latest scams and how to spot them. For more information, visit

If you've been targeted by scams or fraud, you are not alone. Our trained fraud specialists provide support and guidance on what to do next and how to avoid scams in the future. The AARP Fraud Helpline, 877-908-3360, is free and available to anyone.

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