The Goshen County AARP Community Action Group in conjunction with the Torrington Senior Center are presenting the movie, Catch Me If You Can, Oct. 19, from 12:45-2:30 p.m., at The Senior Friendship Center, located at 216 East 19 th Avenue, in Torrington.
Protect yourself from identity theft by joining AARP Wyoming for its ShredFest event at the Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library in Sheridan on Oct. 3 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Protect yourself from identity theft by joining AARP Wyoming for its Shred event at the Young at Heart Senior Center in Rock Springs on Aug. 3. Start your morning off at the Young at Heart Senior Center with a Sensational Skillet breakfast, with toast, juice, and coffee from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm.
CHEYENNE - Ready your insurance questions for May 1 as AARP Wyoming hosts a Teletown Hall with Wyoming Insurance Commissioner Tom Glause, and Denise Burke, Senior Health Policy Analyst for the Wyoming Insurance Department.
Residents whose homes require exterior repairs due to storm damage will be better protected from fraudulent contractors under a new law, which takes effect July 1.