AARP Eye Center

Americans pay into Medicare and Social Security during their working lives, and they count on these programs to help protect their health and financial security. It’s no secret that Social Security and Medicare are facing significant fiscal challenges in the coming years due to a growing elderly population, rising health costs and longer life expectancies.
Concern about the future of these programs is very real among those over age 50. But this problem doesn’t just affect older Americans. In fact, the changes being proposed to Social Security and Medicare could impact every generation, especially those furthest from retirement. Unfortunately, too many people in Washington think the only way to address these challenges is to cut benefits or ask seniors to pay more. We believe there’s a better way.
In 2012, AARP launched a major national initiative called You’ve Earned a Say - to give our members and all Americans a voice in the continuing debate over the future of Medicare and Social Security. In Connecticut, we hosted listening sessions and voter forums in local communities, and engaged thousands of residents through surveys and questionnaires. Nationally, AARP engaged over 10 million people in the conversation. We listened to your feedback and now we are taking the next step. AARP is calling for responsible solutions that keep the promises our nation has made to seniors and their children and grandchildren, not harmful cuts.
Read: There are Better Ways to Reduce the Deficit than Using Social Security and Medicare
AARP will once again be taking the conversation into local communities in Connecticut and engaging our members and the public so that they can make their voices heard. Throughout the summer and fall we’ll be hosting You’ve Earned a Say community conversations, giving presentations to local organizations, at senior centers, and hosting booths at senior fairs, community events and expos. We’ll also be posting event information on our website, and engaging people on Facebook and Twitter.
AARP is fighting for responsible, commonsense solutions to keep Medicare and Social Security strong, and working to ensure that Washington doesn’t break the promises we’ve made to those who have paid in all their lives.
Make sure President Obama and Congress know where you stand. Attend one of our community conversations or join the conversation at If you would like to get involved in AARP’s You've Earned a Say efforts in Connecticut, please give us a call toll-free at 866-295.7279 or send an email to: