It’s National Consumer Protection Week—and while AARP is focused on protecting consumers year-round—this is a good time to highlight some key consumer protection tips.
During the sultry summer of 1862, President Abraham Lincoln and his family found respite in a cottage in northwest Washington D.C. It was here where Lincoln formulated one of the key documents of his presidency, the Emancipation Proclamation.
Trained AARP volunteer fraud fighters are helping victims and their families understand what happened, report the crime, and plan next steps to put their lives back together.
Faithe Norrell clutched a book titled “Virginia: History, Government, Geography” as she led a tour recently of the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia.
Pullman porters not only played an iconic role in mid-20th Century railroad travel but also contributed to the establishment of the Black middle class and were instrumental in the civil rights movement.