Here’s an update on this week’s advocacy work from the AARP Massachusetts state office.
Elder Lobby Day
On Monday, March 24, 16 AARP volunteers joined more than 400 senior rights activists (many of whom were self-identified AARP members) at the State House for Massachusetts Elder Lobby Day.
Sponsors of Elder Lobby Day included Mass Home Care, Mass Senior Action Council, MA Councils on Aging, The Caring Force Home Care Aide Council, Mass Human Services Provider’s Council, Mass Association of Older Americans, LGBT Aging Project, Home Care Alliance, Jewish Community Relations Council of Great Boston, and AARP Massachusetts.
AARP State Director Mike Festa was one of more than a dozen speakers at the event, and highlighted the importance AARP MA’s legislative agenda.
“We know that the most vulnerable among us must be protected," Festa said. "The aging population of Massachusetts will continue to grow along with the unique issues related to health, long term care, and financial security. People over age 65 represent the fastest growing age group in the state and nearly 1.5 million will reach 65 years of age or older by 2030, according to the University of Massachusetts, Boston.”
After the program of speakers, AARP volunteers met with Massachusetts Senators and Representatives to thank them for their support of policies that help 50+ residents in the Commonwealth age with dignity and purpose. They also urged the legislators to support AARP’s state legislative priorities, which include the passage of the Uniform Adult Guardianship legislation (House Bill No. 1366), and funding for the Fiscal Year 2015 budget.
We send thanks to all of the volunteers who joined us on Monday at the State House, as well as those who couldn’t join us but reached out to their state legislators via phone or email.
Thank you for your continued support of AARP Massachusetts’ legislative priorities!