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NM Family Caregivers to be Honored at I Heart Caregivers Day at State Capitol

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Every year more than 419,000 family caregivers in New Mexico help their loved ones to live independently -- keeping them out of costly institutions, such as nursing homes. In New Mexico, family caregivers provide unpaid care valued at about $3.1 billion annually.

Join AARP New Mexico in honoring our family caregivers and all that they do this Wednesday, Feb. 25th, during I Heart Caregivers Day at the New Mexico State Legislature, 9 a.m. at the State Capitol Rotunda.

Register now to attend I Heart Caregiver Day at the New Mexico State Legislature and show your support for family caregivers.

These family caregivers have a huge responsibility, and we can take some common sense steps that would make the world of difference to them. That's why AARP urges lawmakers to enact House Bill 139, the Designation and Training of Lay Caregivers, New Mexico's CARE Act, to better support family caregivers as they safely help New Mexicans stay at home.

The CARE Act recognizes the critical role family caregivers play in keeping their loved ones out of costly institutions.

The bill features three important provisions:

  • The name of the family caregiver is recorded when a loved one is admitted into the hospital;
  • The family caregiver is notified if the loved one is to be discharged to another facility of back home; and,
  • The facility consults with the caregiver about the medical tasks -- such as medication management, injections, would care and transfers -- that the family caregiver will perform at home.

HB 139, The CARE Act, received a unanimous do pass from the House Health Committee Feb. 17 th. One of the bill’s sponsors, Deborah Armstrong, D-Albuquerque, serves on that committee. It now goes before the House Business and Employment Committee before going to the House Floor.

Join AARP New Mexico Feb. 25 in honoring our family caregivers and show your support by urging your lawmakers to pass HB139, a common sense measure that would make caring for a loved one a little easier.

To register click here.

To share your personal caregiving story visit


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