AARP Eye Center

Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s latest Budget Plan calls for funding cuts and drastic changes that are harmful to Connecticut seniors and family caregivers who help their loved ones remain at home as they age. Right now, state legislators are reviewing these harmful cuts in senior services. Please join our fight to help seniors live independently and support the family caregivers who make it possible for them to stay in their homes. Send an email to the Governor and your state legislators today!
The Governor has proposed more than doubling (from 7% to 15%) the cost-share thousands of seniors will have to pay to receive home care services under the CT Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE), as well as closing Category One of the program to new clients. The CHCPE serves vulnerable seniors who are at risk of hospitalization or entering a nursing home by providing services such as adult day health, home health aides, home-delivered meals, and more, so that our seniors can continue to live with dignity in their own homes. For those with the greatest needs, the increase could total more than $200 per month! To qualify for the program, individuals can have no more than $35,766 in assets. Paying an additional $200 or more a month for needed care would be devastating and will force hundreds of clients into more costly nursing homes. Closing the program to new clients would essentially deny services to additional at-risk seniors seeking home-based care options, and result in more of them entering costly nursing homes. These moves will ultimately end up costing the state – and taxpayers – more as these seniors deplete their already meager assets and end up on Medicaid.
In addition, the Governor has proposed slashing funding for Alzheimer’s Respite Care by 25%, which provides a break to family members caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia in the community. These family caregivers perform a labor of love everyday so that their loved ones can remain at home. Many of them are on call 24/7 and they deserve a break so that their own health does not suffer.
AARP is fighting against these short-sighted budget proposals and we need your help! We believe seniors deserve better and shouldn’t be forced from their homes to receive needed care that can be delivered more cost-effectively in the home.
Please take a moment to send an email to the Governor and your state legislators urging them to stand up for Connecticut's seniors and family caregivers!