AARP Eye Center

Although she retired from a full-time accounting job in 2013, Iowa Tax-Aide volunteer Kay Vignovich says she has never been busier, and she wouldn’t have it any other way, especially during tax season.
“I’m one of those people who like to help others and make a difference and if that means my calendar is full day to night, that’s ok by me,” said Vignovich, 66 of Des Moines, District Coordinator for Polk County for the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program in Iowa. “The people we prepare taxes for are so appreciative of the service we provide – that’s a big motivator,” she said.
Vignovich and the more than 200 Iowa volunteers across the state who file taxes for free for low to moderate income Iowans are gearing up for the 2015 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide tax filing season, which officially starts Feb. 1 and runs through tax deadline day April 15.
Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax assistance and preparation service is open to anyone, but is geared toward older people with middle or lower incomes.
Nearly 36,000 volunteers nationally help about 2.6 million taxpayers file their taxes annually. In Iowa in 2014, volunteers filed nearly 30,000 federal and state tax returns. Tax-Aide operates at approximately 60 sites in Iowa, mostly in libraries, senior centers and other convenient locations. To find a Tax Aide site near you, call toll-free 1-888-227-7669 or visit
Vignovich says like most Tax-Aide volunteers, she was drawn to volunteer for the program more than 20 years ago because she enjoys working with numbers, computers, staying current with tax laws and helping others.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide thrives due to the remarkable efforts of its volunteer base. Interested volunteers should be computer-savvy, willing to attend four tax law training sessions and enjoy interacting with people. Volunteers are trained by AARP Foundation Tax-Aide in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and assigned to Tax-Aide sites near their homes.
Iowa Tax-Aide is always looking for more volunteers, especially to help staff offices in more rural areas across the state. Anyone interested in becoming involved with the Tax-Aide program can find applications and more information online at or by calling the Tax-Aide information line at 1-888-227-7669 toll-free.