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AARP AARP States Advocacy

Advocacy Update: Earned a Say, the Congressional Recess, and the new OneCare program

2013-07-31 14.45.20-compressed_CBB
by  Kira Hessekiel, Advocacy and Outreach support AARP Massachusetts 

In the Community: AARP Massachusetts at the Medford Senior Center

AARP Massachusetts State President Linda Fitzgerald and Director of Advocacy Jessica Costantino traveled to the Medford Senior Center this past Wednesday to host a community conversation around Social Security and Medicare as part of our You’ve Earned a Say campaign.  The pair brought the discussion of these two key programs out of Washington and into a forum for Massachusetts residents age 50 and older, to hear what people like you have to say.

Want to bring this discussion to your own community?  E-mail us at and express your interest.

Take Action--Speak Up During the August Congressional Recess

AARP Massachusetts has been working this month to address the issues you care about while our members of Congress are back in the Bay State—and it’s a great time for you to speak out since you’ve earned a say. Before your elected officials pack up and head back to the Beltway following Labor Day, we urge you to  contact them directly and tell them to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, as well as to oppose the harmful chained CPI proposal that would cut Social Security benefits.  For contact information and information about any upcoming community events, find your Congressperson’s website in this list of Massachusetts House of Representatives websites, and visit the websites of your Massachusetts U.S. Senate members, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Ed Markey.

Attention MassHealth and Medicare Disability Recipients: State Government Launches OneCare!

For those between the ages of 21 and 64 who qualify for disability coverage through MassHealth and Medicare, there is now a name to the face of a new Massachusetts dual care program that combines the two: OneCare. OneCare enables those who are eligible to get the full set of services provided by both programs on one plan, and also assigns recipients a care coordinator to ensure their care needs are met. Officials at OneCare, which launches this fall, say the dual care program will make it easier for those who qualify to “live healthier, stay more active, and be more independent.” For more information and to see if you are eligible, visit OneCare.


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