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Jamie Bulen

Getting calls from debt collectors?
Caring for a friend, family member or loved one? You’re not alone.
Don’t let scammers ruin your summer vacation. One way thieves prey on travelers is through front-desk fraud.
New Hampshire ranks #47 when it comes to offering services that help keep people in their homes and communities as they age. AARP warns more must be done – at an accelerated pace – to meet changing demographic demands. New Hampshire’s long-term care system needs serious overhaul in order to give people the care they want, in the setting of their choices, at a lesser price. Nearly all – 95% -- of New Hampshire residents say they want to age at home, and not a nursing home.
Buying a gift card for a graduate in your life? Choose wisely.
Looks what’s coming to Manchester on Saturday, July 15: FREE hands-on workshops for those who want to get the most out of their iPads.
Looks what’s coming to Nashua on Saturday, July 22: FREE hands-on workshops for those who want to get the most out of their iPads.
If you were tricked into wiring money to scammers using Western Union, you may be eligible to get at least some of your money back.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now working with private debt collectors to recover unpaid tax debts. Scammers could attempt to capitalize on potential confusion created by this new development.
Who doesn’t like ice cream? Especially when it’s free!
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