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Jeff Abramo

Every 2 seconds someone’s identity is stolen. But you
Todos nos sentimos presionados por los crecientes costos del cuidado de la salud. Ahora el Congreso está considerando aprobar una ley que permitiría a las compañías de seguro cobrar un “impuesto sobre la edad” adicional, y los más afectados serían los consumidores mayores de 50 años.
This has been a busy week for President Donald Trump. He’s been signing executive orders, holding high-level meetings — and tweeting up a storm. All of this makes it clear that our 45 th president is eager to deliver quickly on the promises he made during his campaign.
Every day, AARP fights for New Jerseyans, focused on the issues they face in their daily lives. To be successful, this work depends on the elected officials who write, support, and move legislation; who work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get things done; and who come together on critical votes that turn bills into law.
AARP Nueva Jersey educa y defiende a las personas de 50 años o más en asuntos importantes para ellos, sus familias y todos los residentes del estado.
In 2014, New Jersey became the second state in the nation, following Oklahoma, to support family caregivers with the CARE Act. The law, which became effective on May 12, 2015, supports the 1.75 million family caregivers in New Jersey as their loved ones go into the hospital and as they transition home.
On behalf of our 1.3 million members in New Jersey, AARP supports proposals to increase the personal income tax pension and retirement income exclusion fivefold over three years.
The Out of Network Transparency Act, which will be up for a vote in the New Jersey Legislature soon, would help protect us from surprise medical bills. It would crack down on unfair medical billing practices that hurt consumers by charging high, unregulated prices for services outside of health insurance networks. However, the opposition from highly paid specialists and for-profit hospital owners is threatening to stop the bill in its tracks.
Many of us have been, are, or will be a family caregiver, or are likely to need the help of one someday. Family caregivers are the backbone of services and supports in this country, the first line of assistance for people with chronic or other health conditions, disabilities, or functional limitations. Family caregivers make it possible for loved ones to live independently in their homes and communities. If not for them, the economic cost to the US health care and long-term care
Thank you Governor Christie and members of the legislature for signing Bill #S157 to create the New Jersey Task Force on Abuse Against the Elderly and Disabled. The impact of abusive practices is financially and emotionally devastating to our loved ones who are victimized. There is also a tremendous burden on the judicial and social services systems to rectify the injustices from such crimes although vast numbers of such crimes go unprosecuted. AARP concurs that the resources and experiences of a multi-disciplinary task force could develop policy proposals to save lives and livelihoods.
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