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Ramona Taylor

Current Role: Volunteer Reporter
Dinner in a SNAP attendees were shown how to quickly fix four nutritious meals prepared by chef Thomas Yager of Mercy Chefs.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., preached these inspirational words about service in his sermon on “The Drum Major Instinct” at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga., on Feb. 4, 1968. Service to others is also embedded in the mission of AARP. AARP founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus’s vision of AARP and how she lived her life is reflected in her words “to serve, not to be served.” Three phenomenal volunteers of AARP exemplify the service examples of Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr., and Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus. In this article, they address why people serve, what they gain from service, and King’s legacy of service for civil rights.
Sex is for young people. Who needs sex at our age? No one needs to see my cellulite. If these statements sound familiar to you, the AARP Virginia webinar “Sex at 50 and Beyond: Sexual Health and Wellness” is for you.
Do you want to downsize or declutter but feel too overwhelmed by your accumulated stuff to get started? If so, the AARP Virginia webinar Downsizing and Decluttering: You Can’t Take it With You is for you.
In celebration of National Grandparents Day recently, grandparents were rocking and rolling at the Grandparents Day of Art and Activity sponsored by AARP Virginia and Tidewater Arts Outreach at the Bayside Recreation Center in Virginia Beach.
Mattie Lawrence Johnson worked hard as a property manager for more than 20 years, and when she retired five years ago, she never slowed down. Her zest for service makes her one of the busiest volunteers in Southeast Virginia, boosting the programs of at least five organizations.
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