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¿Recuerdas la Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Ley de reducción de impuestos y empleo) del 2017? Esa ley marca la reforma más importante al código tributario de EE.UU. en más de 30 años. ¿Qué significará la nueva ley para tu declaración de impuestos del 2018?
Learn How to Leverage Your Skills and Experience at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
¿El 2019 es el año para un cambio de carrera? Tal vez se aproxima tu jubilación y estás listo para hacer algo nuevo. Quizás estás reingresando a la fuerza laboral, te quedaste sin empleo o simplemente quieres un nuevo comienzo.
Today, a secure retirement is out of reach for thousands of Coloradans, especially those who work for small businesses.
AARP Colorado now has two bilingual sites to prepare taxes under the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide banner.
If you live in Colorado, you may already know it is a state blessed with a vibrant Latino culture – the best in art, music, food and educational opportunities to learn and volunteer are right here.
Sign Up for Our Free Online Work and Skills Event
New research released today from the Association of Young Americans (AYA) and AARP show student loan debt preventing Americans across three generations from saving for retirement or buying a home. As many students begin their academic year, nearly half of those with student loan debt say they owe more than $30,000. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, borrowers have over $1.4 trillion in student loan debt. The new research specifically shows that of those who have student debt, 45 percent of Millennials, 48 percent of Generation Xers, and 50 percent of Boomers owe $30,000 or more.
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