AARP Eye Center

Hurricane Sandy struck the eastern seaboard more than a week ago leaving a path of destruction in its wake. But while the lights may be back on for most of Connecticut, the impact of this powerful storm is still being felt by thousands, particularly those who lost their homes and their livelihoods as a result of Sandy. Today AARP Connecticut announced that workers who lost their jobs as a result of Hurricane Sandy -- and who aren't eligible for regular state unemployment insurance, such as the self-employed -- may be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, a federal program that provides up to 26 weeks of jobless aid.
To qualify, individuals must have lost their jobs as a result of a major disaster in an area so declared by the president. To date, a number of counties in Connecticut have been declared major disaster areas, including Middlesex, New Haven, New London and Fairfield counties.
Find more information about DUA and who may be eligible, check out this Fact Sheet .
For information about how to file a claim in Connecticut, visit the Department of Labor website at:
AARP is working with local organizations to support relief efforts and provide information and resources to its members and the public. The AARP Foundation has established a relief fund to support victims in the U.S. devastated by Superstorm Sandy and to bolster the effort, AARP and its affiliates are matching dollar-for-dollar contributions up to $500,000. 100% of all funds raised will be used to help the victims of this disaster. To donate to the AARP Foundation Disaster Relief Fund, please go to:
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Photo by NASA Goddard Photo and Video's photostream