AARP Connecticut will host a live Telephone Town Hall to discuss House Bill 5591 – an act creating the Connecticut Retirement Security Program – on Monday, April 25, at 10 a.m. State Senate President Martin Looney and House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz will be on the call to discuss the bill and take questions from participants. If passed, House Bill 5591 will give all Connecticut residents an easy way to save for retirement through automatic payroll deductions via their employers.
AARP CT is hosting a telephone town hall on Wednesday, April 20, at 7 p.m. ET to inform and educate consumers on protecting themselves from consumer fraud. The call will focus on providing tips on securing personal and financial documents, as well as finding help if you have become of victim of identity theft, fraud or financial exploitation. Special guests will include representatives from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, Federal Trade Commission and CT Department of Consumer Protection.
¿Alguna vez te han robado la identidad o la de alguien que conoces? Cada dos segundos, a alguien le roban la identidad. Son 30 robos cada minuto, 300 cada 10 minutos, 900 cada media hora... así que ocurre con frecuencia y le puede ocurrir a cualquier persona.
Have you, or someone you know, had their identity stolen? Someone’s identity is stolen every two seconds. That’s 30 every minute, 300 every 10 minutes, 900 every half hour… so it happens often, and can happen to anyone.