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AARP Florida

AARP Florida is making a difference where you live.
Voters 50+ are the driving force behind every election. They’re not just voting; they’re grappling with the everyday challenges that come with caring for parents, siblings and other loved ones, and protecting their hard-earned Social Security. AARP Florida is here to ensure you have all the information needed to cast your ballot this election season.
Millions of Florida residents find electric utility issues hard to follow. Regulated by a far-away, low-profile state agency, largely the domain of expensive utilities lawyers, powerful corporations and influential special interest experts, electric utility regulations are often unfair and unfamiliar for customers.
Home prices and rentals have become increasingly unaffordable in Florida. This white paper explores the benefits of allowing alternative housing options, such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), for homeowners and communities.
With Hurricane Michael striking North Florida less than 30 days before the Nov. 6 general election, one urgent consideration for many Panhandle residents is how to cast their vote. Elections officials are working across the region to make it possible for all registered voters to cast their ballot, but the how-to details of voting in this election vary from county to county. We've got a breakdown for you.
Tallahassee, Fla. – Ever since the winds died down, community and nonprofit organizations have been gearing up and working to provide relief to Panhandle residents hit hard by Hurricane Michael on Oct. 10.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., -- To kick off November, Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month and to help older Floridians recover from Hurricane Michael, AARP Florida is teaming up with the Alzheimer's Project to host the “Fill-A-Truck” event at the annual “Forget-Me-Not-Walk.” Alzheimer’s Project. Saturday, Nov. 4 at Cascades Park in downtown Tallahassee will kick off a day of events that will support North Floridians living with Alzheimer’s Disease and older Floridians affected by the hurricane.
With electricity, cell phone service and even landline communications knocked out or damaged in much of the eastern Florida Panhandle after Hurricane Michael, one major emerging need is for information about who needs help.
Military Veterans are proud of their service to their nation and rightly so. They’ve earned that right putting their lives on the line as family members stand strong during the Servicemember’s deployments and training exercises. The character of a Veteran is one who remains resolute to remain independent.
By Tom Scherberger
AARP has a proud 32-year history of non-partisan voter engagement, providing voters with information on where the candidates stand on issues important to our members and their families, so they can make their own decisions on Election Day.
The AARP-Univision polls found that, across party lines, Florida 50-plus Hispanic voters want politicians in Washington to work together to strengthen and update Social Security, as well as strengthen and protect Medicare. They also worry about how divided America and Americans have become, that prices are rising faster than their income, and about access to affordable healthcare.
St. Petersburg, Fla. – AARP Florida Manager of State Operations Dionne Polite announced today that Ingrid Collins, an experienced association and business professional with deep roots in Central Florida, is joining AARP’s team of volunteers and staff as Associate State Director for Community Engagement in Central Florida.
Older voters are a force in the Sunshine State: Nearly a fifth of Florida’s population is 65 and older, and 2016 exit polls showed half of Floridians who voted were 50 or older.
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